greetings in English

Greetings in English and Leave Takings | Fun ESL Lesson and Game

This is all about greetings in English. What do you say when you meet someone? You will see a group of common greetings in English with examples and a game to reinforce the lesson. You will also learn about leave takings in English. What do you say when you are leaving someone? You will see a group of common leave takings in English with examples and a game to reinforce the lesson. Enjoy.

greetings in English
Greetings in English

Greetings in English

These are some common greetings when you meet someone or a friend.

Common GreetingsCommon Answers (there are more, these are just a few)
How are you?I’m good/fine/okay/happy/Not bad.
How are you doing?Good/Great/Not bad/Okay.
How’s it going?It’s good/Great.
How have you been?Great/I’ve been good/I’ve been busy.
How’s everything?Great/Everything’s good/Not bad.
What’s up? What’s new?Not much/Nothing.
Greetings in English

Choose the correct answer

greetings in English - question
Choose the correct answer.
Greetings in English – with the answer

Leave Takings in English

Leave takings

Common expressions when you are leaving someone.

Common ExpressionsCommon Leave Takings (there are more, these are just a few)
I’m going home.See you later/soon/next week/tomorrow.
I’m visiting my grandma.Have a nice time/day/weekend/trip.
I’m going to Paris.Have a good time/day/weekend/trip.
I won’t see you for a while.Take care of yourself.
I’m going to bed.Sweet dreams/Good night.
I’m going. Bye/Goodbye/Good luck.
Leave takings in English

Choose the correct answer

Choose the correct answer
Leave takings – answer

Greetings in English Game

Try our quiz game that has 10 fun choice questions all about greetings and leave takings.

You can find more Grade 6 ESL test practice questions here.

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