Level 2 – K-3 Interactive ESL Course Colors, Classroom, Food, Present Continuous, Short Vowels

ESL Course Colors Classroom | Check out another fun English course from Sanook English for Kids to Learn English. This ESL course is designed for beginners/intermediate English learners. In level 3, students will learn a variety of useful skills. They will learn about colors, classroom objects, food, present continuous, and short vowels. We present each topic in a fun and interactive way.

Structure – Interactive ESL Course Colors Classroom Food

Interactive Color Matching Memory Game with Sound

We have divided this course into 3 lessons. Firstly, we incorporate many games to teach about Vocabulary. Secondly, students will love our interactive games and videos in the Phonics and Spelling section. Thirdly, English learners can practice their grammar. We include lots of engaging interactive gamification in the Grammar Games and Videos lesson. Finally, there is a quiz for student assessment. In addition to this, the teaching is very visual.  We add a variety of slideshows, videos and interactive games. The topics in this ESL course like colors and classroom are re-enforced with many different interactive games to keep the students engaged. Some of the games include: memory and matching games, spelling games, interactive videos, drag and drop activities, wordsearches and many more.

Gamification for ESL English Learning

At Sanook English we believe that gamification is a huge part of learning. Education has changed a lot in the last 10 or 20 years. Being educators for the past 20 years, we believe at Sanook English that we’ve figured what works and what doesn’t. It’s harder to get students engaged. Student’s attention spans are shorter. Students become passive in a teacher centered classroom. In other words, we believe that interactive games and activities can help. Interactive gamification engages students. That’s why we’ve included so many in our lessons. In short, students will learn more, if they are engaged.

Interactive Multiple Choice or Fill in the blanks Quizzes too.

Grammar Games

Phonics and Spelling Activities

Vocabulary Games

Want something easier. Check out our Free ESL Phonics lessons here. Want something harder, check out Level 3 here.

Want to read more about how we’re trying to help Thai students improve their English, click here.

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