Names of Body Parts for ESL students with pictures, a presentation, and Free worksheets. This article is aimed at Beginners and Kindergarten students. You will learn about 13 of the most popular names of body parts. Each one has a bright and easy to understand picture. There is also a slideshow presentation that goes with these body parts. You will also learn the singular and plural of the body parts (for body parts that have more than one like eye and eyes).

Eye and Eyes | Names of Body Parts
We use our eyes to see. It is part of the sense organ for sight. There are six colors for eyes: brown, green, blue, hazel, gray and amber. The most popular eye color is brown with around 80% of people having brown eyes.
Singular: eye. You can say: The monster has one eye.
Plural: eyes. You can say: I have two eyes.

Ear and Ears | Names of Body Parts
We use our ears to hear. Ears are part of the sense organ hearing.
Singular: ear. You can say: The monster has one ear.
Plural: ears. You can say: I have two ears.

Nose | Names of Body Parts
We use our nose to breathe and to smell. The nose is part of the sense organ for smell. The two holes in our nose are called nostrils.

Mouth | Names of Body Parts
We use our mouth to eat, to speak, to breathe and to kiss. Our mouth is part of the sense organ for taste. Have you ever wondered why something was sour? spicy? bitter? The tongue inside our mouth has a big part in the food that we taste.

Hair | Names of Body Parts
Did you know that the average human has between 100,00 to 150,000 strands of hair? And we shed around 100 strands of hair every day. There are 5 different colors of hair: black, blond, brown, white/gray, and red. Only 4% of people have red hair.

Tooth and Teeth | Names of Body Parts
We use our teeth to chew food, which makes it easier to swallow it. We develop two sets of teeth in our lifetime. The first set (baby teeth) has 20 teeth, and the second set (adult teeth) has 32 teeth. They also help with the sense taste, along with the tongue and mouth.
Singular: tooth. You can say: I lost one tooth.
Plural: teeth. You can say: I have many teeth.

Shoulder and Shoulders | Names of Body Parts
Our shoulders hold our arms and allow our arms to move. Our shoulders help us to lift, push or pull.
Singular: shoulder. You can say: My right shoulder is sore.
Plural: shoulders. You can say: Both of my shoulders are sore.

Arm and Arms | Names of Body Parts
We use our arms to carry things, to move things from one place to another. On one side of our arm, we have the shoulder, on the other side we have the hand. We use our arms almost more than any other body part.
Singular: arm. You can say: I am moving my arm.
Plural: arms. You can say: I am waving my arms.

Hand and Hands | Names of Body Parts
We use our hands to clap, to catch and to throw. Our hands are a big part in the use of the sense touch or feeling. We can use our hands if we are in a fight to punch someone. If we care for someone, we can hold their hand. On the one side of our hand is the arm and on the other are the fingers.
Singular: hand. You can say: Shake my hand.
Plural: hands. You can say: Clap your hands.

Finger and Fingers | Names of Body Parts
We use our fingers to snap, to type, to play the piano. Our fingers are very important. The fingers play a huge role when we need to touch or feel something. We use our hands when we want to hold onto to something like a tennis ball. We use our hands when we want to grab something like a shoelace to tie our shoes.
Singular: finger. You can say: I point with my finger.
Plural: fingers. You can say: I have 10 fingers.

Leg and Legs | Names of Body Parts
We use our legs to stand, to jump, to run. If we want to dance, we need our legs. We kick with our legs.
Singular: leg. You can say: I hurt my left leg.
Plural: legs. You can say: I hurt both of my legs.

Foot and Feet | Names of Body Parts
We use our feet to walk, to kick a football, to tap dance. We stand on our feet a lot. The human body has 206 bones. Did you know that over 25% of those are in the feet. There are 52 bones in your feet, that’s 26 in each foot. We need to wear clean socks and good shoes on our feet.
Singular: foot. You can say: I put a sock on one foot.
Plural: feet. You can say: I put my shoes on both feet.

Toe and Toes | Names of Body Parts
We use our toes to help us walk and to help with balance. Toes are like fingers for our feet. We have 10 toes and we call the biggest one the Big Toe.
Singular: toe. You can say: Look at my big toe.
Plural: toes. You can say: I have ten toes.

Names of Body Parts Presentation
You can learn about the body parts with this slideshow presentation. It’s just like the pictures above except in a slideshow format.
Body Parts by Sanook EnglishNames of Body Parts Worksheets
Here’s the first worksheet. It’s a fun tracing and matching worksheet. You will learn about 5 body parts with this Free printable: eye, ear, nose, mouth, teeth.
Here’s the second worksheet. It’s also a fun matching worksheet. You will learn about 5 more body parts: hair, arm, hand, leg, foot.
Here’s the third Free printable. You will practice and review 10 body part: eye, ear, nose, mouth, teeth, hair, arm, hand, leg, foot.
Here’s the fourth worksheet. It’s an exciting cut and paste activity for 13 body parts: eye, ear, nose, mouth, teeth, hair, shoulder, arm, hand, finger, leg, arm, foot, toe.
Here’s the fifth Free body part printable. It can be used as an answer sheet to the above worksheet or as a display poster.
Intermediate Names of Body Parts
If you or your students are in need of something more challenging, we have two videos with intermediate names of body parts. In the first video, you will learn about body parts around the face like: eyebrow, eyelashes, forehead, cheek, chin, nostril and more.
In the second video, you will learn about body parts below the head like: elbow, ankle, wrist, stomach and more.
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